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Canadian ERP Point-of-View: How to Buy, Implement, Integrate, and Support a New Municipal ERP Canadian ERP Point-of-View: How to Buy, Implement, Integrate, and Support a New Municipal ERP Canadian ERP Point-of-View: How to Buy, Implement, Integrate, and Support a New Municipal ERP

May 29, 2024

Canadian ERP Point-of-View: How to Buy, Implement, Integrate, and Support a New Municipal ERP

Speaker: Scott Jorgens, RK Richards, Bonnie Agnew

Time: Pre-recorded

Duration: 35 minutes

Price: $0

This Canadian ERP Point-of-View webinar will provide a comprehensive guidance tailored to small and mid-size municipalities on procuring, implementing, integrating, and supporting a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. It outlines four essential pillars: How to Buy, Implement, Integrate, and Access Ongoing Support.

Within these pillars, it covers critical aspects such as selecting the right ERP and partner, navigating procurement mechanisms, emphasizing purpose-built software and data migration best practices for implementation, leveraging cloud APIs and adopting a modular approach for integration, and accessing ongoing support options including knowledge centers and partner-driven support desks. Following this webinar, municipalities, through strategic planning and careful consideration, will be better equipped to tailor their ERP system selection process, to help them meet their future needs for digital transformation.


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