Run and Win


Run and Win: A Guide to Succeeding in Municipal Elections – Second Edition

Have you ever wanted to run for elected office? Do you have a burning desire to serve your community? A vision of what you want your community to be? Do you feel left out of the process? Don’t let the next municipal election pass you by!

This book is written specifically to prepare you to “Run and Win” a successful election campaign. You’ll discover how to easily recruit volunteers, work effectively with the media, learn the issues, develop your own positions, and a host of other vital topics. Each chapter covers one issue, so it is easy to find valuable advice when you need it. You will learn what every candidate needs to know about municipal elections. You will find out about the kinds of positions available, the responsibilities for those positions, how to build your political profile, why you would be a terrific candidate, and how to prepare for your successful run, starting now! This revised edition also covers the basics for using online resources and social media as powerful tools in your campaign arsenal.

In addition, you will learn valuable secrets about running a winning campaign from experienced municipal politicians who have won over and over again. Most importantly, you will learn how to be successful once you are in office.

All of this is written in a positive, motivational style to start you on a journey where you will learn to act, think, and live at a new level – and contribute to your community in a unique and exciting way: as a successful politician.

Approx. 124 pages

ISBN: 978-1-926843-10-0

Item 0020