Making a Difference: Cuff’s Guide for Municipal Leaders Vol.2 (ePub)


This book is now available in ePub format, distributed through and authorized for download onto a single device. The ePub format is compatible with most tablet devices, readers, and smartphones. ( 

Cuff’s Guide for Municipal Leaders – Vol 2: The case for effective governance

Often, council members sense that what they are doing is adding little value to the well-being of their communities, but they are unsure as to how to make the changes or adjustments that would result in stronger, more focused leadership. In this second volume, Cuff aims to help municipal councils understand and apply the principles and techniques of effective governance, covering issues such as:

  • Leadership Tools and Processes
  • Job Descriptions of a Council, Mayor, Councillor, and Chair of Committee
  • Importance of the Council-CAO Relationship
  • Establishing Council’s Vision and Priorities and more

Published in Canada by Municipal World, Inc.

How ePubs work:

Once your purchase is complete you’ll automatically be directed to download the ePub, which will be authorized for use on one single device. This ePub can then be opened using Adobe Digital Editions on your Mac, PC, and iOS or Android mobile device.

This book is also available in print edition.  For more information Click Here.

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