Retooling of local brewery to combat COVID-19

Posted in: News Item
Date Posted: 2020-08-24
Organization Name: Province of Ontario
Ontario is providing New Ontario Brewing Co. with $294,000 from the Ontario Together Fund to invest in the retooling and new purchases of production equipment to help in the fight against COVID-19. The locally owned brewery will now produce PureNorth hand sanitizer.
Ontario Supports Retooling of Local Brewery to Help Combat Covid-19 Outbreak
The announcement was made today by Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.
“Our fight against COVID-19 continues and we applaud local businesses like New Ontario Brewing that have stepped up with solutions to help at a critical time,” said Minister Fedeli. “The reopening of our economy would not be possible without the collective efforts of everyone in every corner of this province. Together, we will ensure the province has the Ontario-made solutions to respond to needs now and in the future as the province reopens and recovers.”
The government launched the $50 million Ontario Together Fund to support the development of proposals submitted by businesses and individuals through the Ontario Together web portal and help businesses retool their operations to produce PPE and develop technology-driven solutions and services for businesses to reopen safely. The Workplace PPE Supplier Directory provides businesses with information on personal protective equipment (PPE) suppliers.
Craft Brewery Offers Made-in-Ontario Solution by Shifting Production to Hand Sanitizer for Province’s Front-line Heroes
With Ontario’s support, New Ontario Brewing will modify its facilities and install specialized equipment for ethanol production to respond to needs driven by COVID-19.
New Ontario Brewery plans on producing more than 100,000 litres of hand sanitizer, helping to supply area hospitals, pharmacies, and grocers. As well, sanitizer was donated to senior care facilities and first responders.
New Ontario Brewing is a Northern Ontario-based craft brewery that was founded in 2014.