FCM welcomes new federal government

Posted in: News Item
Date Posted: 2021-09-21
Organization Name: Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Joanne Vanderheyden, president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), issued the following statement on the results of the September 20 federal election.
“On behalf of cities and communities nationwide, I congratulate Mr. Trudeau and the Liberal Party for this new opportunity to lead the Government of Canada in the House of Commons. Let me also congratulate all 338 new and returning members of Parliament – and salute all candidates from every party who put their name forward. Whether it’s on Parliament Hill or municipal council, it’s such an honour to serve Canadians as elected officials, and we do that best when our orders of government work together.
“Canadians have once again elected a minority parliament. This is a critical time to build bridges – between parties and governments alike – to support people through this pandemic and into a strong, inclusive recovery. More than ever, that makes local governments vital partners. We are ready to work with this government and this parliament to deliver concrete results in communities of all sizes across the country.
“Many of Canada’s biggest national challenges are tackled most effectively at the local level. On the front lines of the housing crisis, local leaders are helping people out of homelessness and expanding affordable housing choices. On the front lines of the climate crisis, we’re protecting people from new weather extremes and building pathways to net-zero emissions. But on these fronts and more, we are ready to do much more with a willing federal partner, in ways that create the good jobs Canadians need.
“FCM proposed constructive frontline solutions in this campaign, and parties responded with key commitments. We’re urging the government to move swiftly on its commitments that can earn clear support in Parliament. Those commitments include a $4 billion municipal Housing Accelerator Fund, plus permanent, predictable investment in public transit and rural mobility – while helping transit systems get through the pandemic. It should also prioritize its commitments to close the rural Internet gap faster and to support local climate resilience through natural infrastructure and wildfire mitigation investments.
“FCM is also looking to build on important progress started in the last parliament. That includes expanding proven approaches to ending homelessness, scaling up local pathways to net-zero emissions, urgently expanding investment in local climate resilience, and continuing to support western economic development and innovation. Let’s also continue to bring federal and local leaders together—more formally and more often – to ensure recovery strategies drive the best results for Canadians, in communities of all sizes and all regions.
“No order of government can succeed alone. As the governments closest to daily life, municipalities deliver frontline solutions that create jobs, improve lives, and meet national objectives that can build bridges in parliament. We look forward to working with this new government to build Canada’s recovery – together.”