County of Prince Edward partners launch shop local campaign

Posted in: News Item
Date Posted: 2020-06-25
Organization Name: County of Prince Edward
The County of Prince Edward has partnered with local business associations to launch a shop local campaign.
The awareness campaign’s tagline, “Keeping your business in The County, keeps The County in business,” is designed to remind local residents of the importance of shopping local.
“I encourage everyone to show some love for our local businesses,” Mayor Steve Ferguson says. “Local businesses are at the heart of our community. Over the past several months they have faced incredibly trying circumstances, and now is the time for us to help them where we can.”
The campaign partners include the PEC Chamber of Commerce, Picton BIA, Bloomfield Area Business Association (BABA), Greater Consecon Area Business Association, and the Wellington District Business Improvement Association (WDBIA).
“It’s great to see our local community supporting each other during these difficult times,” says Lesley Lavender, Executive Director of the PEC Chamber of Commerce. “Our many County businesses and the families and people that operate them, work here and live here, rely on our patronage. We are confident that those who are open will ensure the health and safety of their employees and guests.”
The illustrated campaign will run for eight weeks. It includes spots on 99.3 County FM, social media, local newspapers, posters, and lawn signs, which are available at no charge at the chamber office while supplies last. The chamber is located at the front of Picton’s Amoury Mall (206 Picton Main Street). Call 613-476-2421 to arrange pickup.
“We wanted the ads to be fun, colourful, and reflect the community spirit,” says Sarah Doiron, Manager of the Picton BIA. “Special thanks to Tim Snyder for illustrating the campaign.”
Rob Leek, Chair of BABA, added: “The stores and restaurants in the county are looking forward to reconnecting with County folk while offering them the best in products and service.”
Many local businesses have adapted their operations in response to COVID-19. Visit to learn about the products and services that local businesses are offering at this time.