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Insight to go

MW Shares is devoted to sharing the stories of communities from coast to coast to coast. We cover the issues that matter most: council-staff relations, diversity and inclusion, climate change, placemaking, innovation, economic development, civic engagement, human resources, and more.

MW Shares takes listeners deep into the civic issues that municipal governments must tackle every day, highlighting new and emerging next practices, and sharing stories intended to shape and elevate conversations about community.

These are the stories of local government – the celebrations of success, the sharing of lessons learned, the cautionary tales, and the keen insights into what lies ahead for municipalities.

We invite you to join our conversation – and to perhaps share your story here on MW Shares.


No Fairy Godmothers in Government Part 2 - Ashleigh Weeden

In Part Two of the pilot episode of the No Fairy Godmothers in Government podcast, Dr. Ashleigh Weeden continues her examination of the fairy godmother ...

No Fairy Godmothers in Government Part 1 - Ashleigh Weeden

26.03.25 | In Part One of the pilot episode of the No Fairy Godmothers in Government podcast, Dr. Ashleigh Weeden examines the problems of expecting ...

Episode 5: Emotional Intelligence and your career | Becoming an Emotionally Strong Leader - Carolyn Stern

04.02.25 | Carolyn Stern, Emotional Intelligence expert and award-winning author of The Emotionally Strong Leader, joins us to talk about how a municipal leader can take ...

Episode 4: Emotions and leadership | Becoming an Emotionally Strong Leader - Carolyn Stern

04.02.25 | Carolyn Stern, Emotional Intelligence expert and award-winning author of The Emotionally Strong Leader, joins us to talk about how the traditional notion of a ...

Episode 3: Emotions are full of wisdom | Becoming an Emotionally Strong Leader - Carolyn Stern

04.02.25 | Carolyn Stern, Emotional Intelligence expert and award-winning author of The Emotionally Strong Leader, joins us to talk about how emotions are full of wisdom ...

Episode 2: Boosting your Emotional Intelligence | Becoming an Emotionally Strong Leader - Carolyn Stern

04.02.25 | Carolyn Stern, Emotional Intelligence expert and award-winning author of The Emotionally Strong Leader, joins us to talk about ways a municipal leader can ...

Episode 1: Defining Emotional Intelligence | Becoming an Emotionally Strong Leader - Carolyn Stern

04.02.25 | Carolyn Stern, Emotional Intelligence expert and award-winning author of The Emotionally Strong Leader, joins us to talk about understanding what Emotional Intelligence is and ...

Unlocking Opportunities: How to do business with Canada’s largest municipality – Sandra Lisi

03.05.25 | Sandra Lisi, vice-president supplier engagement at Kinetic GPO, joins us to discuss how organizations can navigate the process of doing business with Canada’s ...

Episode 5: Heritage bylaws | Today’s top issues in Municipal Law - Monica Ciriello

02.12.25 | Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about heritage bylaws and how designating ...

Episode 4: Homelessness | Today’s top issues in Municipal Law - Monica Ciriello

02.12.25 | Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about homelessness and, in particular, a ...
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