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Monica Ciriello Podcast Series Feb 2025

Today’s top issues in Municipal Law

Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us for a deep dive on some of the most interesting and timely municipal law issues facing municipalities today. Topics covered include bad faith evictions, nuisance parties, pet bylaws, homelessness, and heritage properties.

Episode 1: Bad faith evictions

Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about protecting tenants from “bad faith evictions” with a new renovictions bylaw, the first of its kind in Ontario.

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Episode 2: Nuisance parties

Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about nuisance party bylaws and what municipalities can do when responding to unsanctioned events such as homecoming and St. Patrick’s Day parties.

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Episode 3: Pets and animal bylaws

Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about licensing pets and animal bylaws.

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Episode 4: Homelessness

Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about homelessness and, in particular, a big legal decision making headlines across the United States and how it may or may not affect Canadian legal approaches to this hot-button issue.

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Episode 5: Heritage bylaws

Monica Ciriello, a municipal lawyer who writes Municipal World’s monthly Municipal Docket column, joins us to talk about heritage bylaws and how designating a home as a heritage property can inspire legal battles.

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