UBCM offers community emergency preparedness funding

Enhance the resiliency of communities and their residents in responding to emergencies
Local governments and Treaty First Nations in BC will be eligible to apply under the new Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) to build emergency response capacity and mitigate future flooding events. Program information is available now, and applications will open in October.
The Community Emergency Preparedness Fund is a suite of programs intended to enhance the resiliency of communities and their residents in responding to emergencies. Announced this spring, $32 million in provincial funding is available in five program streams:
- Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Mapping and Flood Mitigation Planning, grants of up to $150,000 with an application deadline of October 27, 2017
- Emergency Social Services, grants of up to $25,000 with an application deadline of November 17, 2017
- Emergency Operations Centres and Training, grants of up to $25,000 with an application deadline of February 2, 2018
- Structural Flood Mitigation, grants of up to $750,000 with an application deadline of April 13, 2018
- Evacuation Route Planning. Details to follow in late 2017
Program and application materials are available on the UBCM website. For more information, please send email to cepf@ubcm.ca.