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Five reasons to transition your surplus online

Presented by Michael Price
in Procurement
July, 2021

Make a shift to digital – including digital asset management

Sponsored by GovDeals

Let’s face it, a digital shift is happening whether we want it or not. Governments are becoming more agile, open, and user-focused. Advances in technology are announced every day. And people’s service expectations are evolving into the digital space.

Below are a few reasons why you should transition your surplus disposition to an e-commerce solution.

Transformative Incrementalism: A journey to sustainability

1. Decrease Your Waste

Do you store your surplus items? Excess inventory can diminish the overall productivity of your company, clouding its focus and goal. Assets sold “as is, where is” eliminates the need for transportation and long-term warehousing. It also decreases your incurred storage and repair fees.

Do you haul your scrap metal and used machinery straight to landfill? Online auctions save you the literal and environmental costs of disposing your scrap and junk.

2. Increase Your Control – and Safety

With 24/7 access, you control how to list your surplus. Auction details are determined by you – timing, pictures, descriptions, and price. All items remain in your possession, removing the risk of misuse by a third party. Digitally exchanging paperwork makes for a touchless pick-up process.

3. Know Your True Value

Selling your surplus online is a great way to cut down extra costs, including maintenance on ageing machines while also adding back revenue. Creating stable revenue sources while decreasing excess waste in your business is vital for a healthy budget.

4. All the Tools in One Place

A digital back-office solution eliminates printed paperwork and the binders and filing cabinet storage that goes with it. A complete audit trail is permanently maintained and available in perpetuity.

Take advantage of technology to sign bills of sale virtually and use an online payment collection program. Not only does this expedite the sales process, but it also keeps both your staff and your buyers safe.

5. The Future is Digital

Online auctions have significantly changed the way equipment is bought and sold. It is convenient for both buyers and sellers. Buyers can now bid on their own time without incurring extra costs for travel and inspection.

With less physical barriers, online auctions provide a global platform for equipment to be resold. This allows you to take advantage of the steady demand for your remarketing program.

6. Bonus: Sell Virtually Anything

And sell anything – virtually! With a complete online marketplace, you can list vehicles, equipment, and more – from everyday items (like furniture and office equipment) to specialty items (such as fire service or public works equipment) or even real estate.

An “as is, where is” surplus disposition program keeps your entire organization on the same page. Learn more at www.govdeals.caMW

Municipal World Insider and Executive Members: You might also be interested in Barbara Everdene and Alyssa McDonald’s article: #BuildBackBetter with sustainable procurement. Note that you can now access the complete collection of past articles (and more) from your membership dashboard.

Michael Price is the Managing Director of GovDeals Canada. He has worked extensively with government agencies and not-for-profits, focusing on growth and retention within enterprise accounts.

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