Sharing more of your stories

If you’re connected with us online, you may already know that we’ve expanded our digital offerings this past month to bring you something new … the Municipal World Daily. It’s Canada’s newest daily service, curated for you each morning by the thought leaders of Municipal World. And, unlike other daily news services, Municipal World Daily provides news that is specially selected for you, our members, at no extra cost.
As a supplement to your monthly magazine, our team sorts through the clutter so you don’t have to. Every day, we identify new stories to share with you, providing a snapshot of events that are making the headlines – national, regional, and local reports – to help keep you informed on events that are impacting local governments across the country, from coast to coast to coast.
Your monthly magazine, of course, will continue to bring you the indepth analysis you need – the stories “behind” the news stories – and the strategies and best practices that have helped municipalities like yours achieve success in meeting their communities’ goals. Municipal World will continue to take you behind the scenes with the experts – practitioners like you and your colleagues – and contributors who you know and trust as they explore best practices and share your stories. At every step along the way, our goal remains the same: to connect you with the people, information, and services you need.
Municipal World magazine together with the Municipal World Daily is the ideal combination to keep you up to date on the latest developments in municipal government.
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up – we’re so excited by your feedback and overwhelmingly positive response. If you haven’t already signed up, it’s easy … and it’s absolutely free. Just go to: If you have any news items you’d like us to consider, please send them to
SUSAN M. GARDNER, MPA is Editor and Publisher of Municipal World.
as published in Municipal World, April 2018