A recipe for strategy, storytelling & success in Saugeen Shores

A goal is nothing without a plan to achieve it. That is why, in 2017, the Town of Saugeen Shores, Ontario committed to its goal of improving communications by creating a Corporate Communications Strategy.
That is not to say that the Town didn’t communicate prior to this strategy being put in place. Each department had its own methods of getting word out to the public and to staff on important issues. This worked well enough, but certainly didn’t put the Town on the map as a leader in municipal communications. Not to mention, operating within department silos comes with its barriers – including duplication of effort and lack of a consistent, branded message.
As the fastest growing community in Bruce County, the Town recognized it was time for some strategic planning. When “improving communications mechanisms and increasing ease of access to information” was identified as an objective of the Town’s Corporate Strategic Plan, the next step was clear: develop a Corporate Communications Strategy.
Creating a Corporate Communications Strategy
Research for the strategy included a communications survey and focus group with internal stakeholders, as well as a workshop with senior management. This provided an opportunity to discover communication challenges and roadblocks, and identify potential solutions to each of these barriers. Not only did the research process help shape the final strategy, but it also opened the eyes of employees and management as to why a Corporate Communications Strategy would prove beneficial. The strategy would help streamline the communications process and implement best practices. It would also provide an important opportunity to proactively reach out to the community during this period of significant growth.
The resulting strategy was approved and supported by council in the fall of 2017. The three-year strategy identifies seven objectives – four internal and three external – as well as tactics to achieve them. It commits to direct communication; timely, clear, concise, and accessible messaging; and using the right tools and tactics to effectively deliver the Town’s messages to its audience.
With the addition of a corporate communications role, the strategy is being successfully implemented, providing a roadmap for proactive communication. Both internal and external communication tactics have been implemented. These include town hall meetings for all employees, regular email updates from management, a municipal podcast, and corporate social media accounts. These tactics focus on direct communication between the Town and its stakeholders, as well as creating and improving channels for two-way communication.
Recognition as a Leader in Municipal Communications
In 2018, the Town’s Corporate Communications Strategy received an APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence) Grand Award in the category of Campaigns, Programs & Plans. Presented by Communication Concepts, based out of Virginia, USA, the APEX Grand Awards honour the outstanding work in each main category. The strategy has since been requested as a template by other communities across Canada, positioning Saugeen Shores as a leader in municipal communications.
Laura Moscone, Communications Specialist for the Town of Saugeen Shores, is responsible for leading corporate communications, with a portfolio that includes media relations, social media, content development, and communications support for all departments.
as published in Municipal World October 2018