Municipal council compensation

The Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) has released a new research report: Municipal Council Compensation in Ontario. Drawing on data collected from 257 municipalities, key findings include:
- Only 14% of municipalities have a full-time head of council; only 6% of municipalities have full-time councillors.
- Larger municipalities are more likely to pay their councils a salary; smaller municipalities are more likely to pay an honorarium/stipend.
- While levels of pay vary wildly across Ontario, the majority of councillors and heads of council are paid less than $40,000 per year.
The report is intended to help local governments make decisions on compensating their councillors based on evidence and facts, rather than on frustration and fear. AMCTO plans to conduct this survey again in the near future in order to help equip municipalities with the tools for making better evidence-based decisions.
Access the full report: Municipal Council Compensation in Ontario