Municipal leaders honoured for outstanding work building our communities

As the order of governments closest to daily life, municipalities are building tomorrow’s more livable, inclusive and sustainable communities. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Annual Conference offers an opportunity to demonstrate the work that goes into building these strong communities and provides an occasion to honour the municipal leaders behind that extraordinary work.
FCM’s Roll of Honour
The Roll of Honour pays tribute to FCM Officers and officials of member municipalities
and municipal associations who have made an outstanding contribution to the FCM and to municipal government. This year’s recipient is long time FCM member, Councillor for Toronto Centre-Rosedale and Toronto’s Deputy Mayor, Pam McConnell.
Ms. McConnell served on Metro Toronto Council from 1994 to 1998 and on Toronto City Council from 1998 until her passing in 2017. A dedicated advocate for affordable housing and poverty reduction, Ms. McConnell brought tremendous energy and wisdom to her work in Toronto, across Canada, and internationally. Known for her leadership within FCM to promote women’s participation in municipal government across Canada and around the world, Ms. McConnell’s work paved the way for women leaders in our cities and communities and accelerated efforts to break the glass ceiling.
Some of Ms. McConnell’s most significant work at FCM was as a founding member of the Standing Committee on Increasing Women’s Participation in Municipal Government. Through this committee, her efforts were instrumental in forming the action plan to encourage and support women seeking municipal office and in the creation of materials and programs being implemented across the country.
This year, FCM has created a new award in her honor, the Pam McConnell International Award for Gender Equality.
Pam McConnell International Award for Gender Equity
This award aims to carry on Ms. McConnell’s legacy by recognizing the contributions of a Canadian municipal expert to the advancement and promotion of gender equality in FCM’s programs. Debra Button is the first recipient of this award.
Ms. Button has made significant contributions to the advancement of women in local government in Ukraine. From 2010 to 2015, she served as the Gender Equality Governance Representative for FCM’s inaugural project in Ukraine. As the former Mayor of Weyburn and member of the FCM Board of Directors, Button brought her invaluable experience to the establishment of the Association of Ukrainian Cities Gender Equity Committee where she played a key role in launching the association’s Gender Equality Strategy.
Ann MacLean Award
The Ann MacLean Award for Outstanding Service by a Woman in Municipal Politics recognizes retired municipal leaders who have shown exemplary service to their community and constituents and to mentoring women who want to run for elected office.
This year’s recipient is Margaret Tardif from the Town of Falher. Ms. Tardif has left an indelible mark on her community through her advocacy for women working in municipal politics, and on the countless women she mentored during more than three decades of public service.
FCM International Awards
FCM International is proud to bestow its 2018 Awards for Outstanding Contribution to International Programs to an individual and a regional municipality for their extraordinary efforts to share their expertise and provide leadership on the international stage.
This year’s individual recipient is Kent McMullin, a City of Edmonton Senior Business Strategist, and a long-standing contributor to FCM’s international development programs. Mr. McMullin has been a key municipal expert with the Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance, sharing his expertise with counterparts in Ukraine.
Fort St John, BC, is the recipient in the municipal category for their contributions to FCM’s Sustainable and Inclusive Communities in Latin America (CISAL) initiative since 2016. Fort St John’s key interventions have helped communities in Cusco, Peru, in the areas of women’s leadership, local economic and governmental capacity building, and social inclusion.