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Feature Stories

You're not ready - 10 tips to prepare your municipality for emergency communications

Over a 77-day period in Summer 2017, 272 wildfires resulted in 149 evacuation changes throughout British Columbia’s Cariboo Regional District (CRD). From July 6 to ...

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Three tips for getting political online

In today’s communications world, social media is an integral tool for anyone who wants to reach a broad audience with their message. Social media platforms ...

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A rural perspective on Ontario’s regional government review

Regardless of where you are reading this, I’m sure you have all heard of Ontario’s Regional Government Review. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing ...

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Speaking truth to power - there’s no such thing as neutral

As the world seems to spin into ever increasingly dark places, I’ve grown increasingly wary of people – whether newscasters, colleagues, or friends – who ...

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Three predictions for the municipal workplace of the future

On February 21, 1967, Look magazine published an article entitled “The Class of 1989.” It contained a number of fascinating predictions for the work environment ...

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Sex, Lies & Amalgamations ... the Sequel

Inspired by the movie Sex, Lies, and Videotape, my provocatively titled article in the February 1997 issue of Municipal World began by confessing that while ...

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Three pitfalls to avoid in municipal strategic planning

It is easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day aspects of running a municipality or municipal department that you never get around to ...

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Getting women into the game

The United Nations has suggested local governments reach a 30 percent threshold when it comes to adequate gender representation, yet recent Federation of Canadian Municipalities ...

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The many faces and sizes of main street revitalization

Downtowns, main streets, and “four corners” are all areas that often anchor the local economy. As such, finding funds to improve municipal infrastructure and/or aesthetic ...

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Secrets of good asset management planning

Good asset management planning provides elected officials with a better understanding of community infrastructure challenges. While assets provide services that contribute to residential quality of ...

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Hunting gorillas in the corridors

At great length, and in excruciating detail, a manager described a problem she was having with one of her employees. She ended her sad story ...

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Updates to Ontario’s cannabis legalization and the licensing framework

With recent legislation passed on the legalization of cannabis, municipalities across Canada are facing difficult decisions, mostly around the health and safety of their communities ...

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