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Connecting the Dots

Ashleigh Weeden is an open public servant and community builder, facilitator, writer, speaker, and coach who works with creative leaders and productive mischief-makers to produce positive, meaningful change in ourselves and our communities. With an MPA from the University of Victoria and a BA (Hons) in International Development from the University of Guelph, as well as a Certificate in Public Participation from IAP2, Ashleigh is an award-winning community engagement practitioner who uses her deep roots in the world of wonks to design playful, meaningful processes that help people build relationships where they feel heard, valued, hopeful, and engaged. Using her characteristic sense of humour and curiosity, and her deep belief in the nobility of the public service, Ashleigh’s bi-monthly column, “Connecting the Dots,” will explore themes of authenticity, courage, leadership, and public sector renewal. You can find Ashleigh online at or @ashleighweeden on Twitter.