- Organization: Town of Erin
- Posted: April 15th, 2024
The Town of Erin has announced the appointment of Justin Grainger as deputy clerk.
Prior to his appointment, Grainger worked as the Town of Erin’s legislative and licensing coordinator where he coordinated the town’s legislative process and administered all functions related to the town’s licensing program. In early 2023, Grainger delivered the advisory committee recruitment and orientation. Grainger has also acted as secretary-treasurer to the Town of Erin’s committee of adjustment since June 2023.
Grainger holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of Windsor.
As deputy clerk, Grainger will assist the town clerk to execute statutory responsibilities as required under legislation and will assist with strategies and policies in legislative services; in fulfilment of the Town of Erin’s Strategic Plan.