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Jennifer Boyd

Chief Administrative Officer
  • Organization: Town of Middleton
  • Posted: September 7th, 2018

Mayor Sylvester Atkinson of Middleton has announced the appointment of Jennifer Boyd as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Town of Middleton. Ms. Boyd, who is currently the Director of Corporate Services for the Town of Wolfville, was selected after a thorough recruitment and interview process, and brings with her ten years of progressive experience in several different roles in the Town of Wolfville.

Jennifer Boyd has worked with Wolfville since graduating from Acadia University in 2008, and she completed the Dalhousie University Certificate in Local Government Administration in 2015. In the ten years with Wolfville, she has been involved with the successful Wine Bus program, the development of mountain bike trails, town branding and way finding activities, the 2015 municipal election and Council orientation, collective bargaining and the development of the Town’s East End Gateway Master Plan and related capital projects.

As new CAO, Jennifer Boyd will be taking over for her predecessor, Rachel (Turner) Jones, who left the Town in April to pursue other interests, and for Interim CAO Brian Smith. She is looking forward to building upon her municipal experience in Middleton, and she has made a conscious decision to try to have a career in the Annapolis Valley.

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Mayor Atkinson believes the new CAO will be able to contribute to the further growth of Middleton as a community, working with Town Staff, “Jennifer has a solid understanding of local government in Nova Scotia, and how Towns should partner with local business and senior governments to get things done. She is a thoughtful, calm individual who should be able to work well with our Council and lead our employees.”

The new Middleton CAO will begin her work with the Town in early September.

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