Amanpreet Sidhu

- Organization: Town of Midland
- Posted: March 2nd, 2020
In continuing the implementation of structure changes that began in August 2019, the Town of Midland has announced the next steps in its corporate reorganization that will take effect on February 10, 2020. These changes represent further efforts to streamline the organization, so it aligns staff resources with council’s strategic direction and the services offered by the municipality.
“The Regional Government Review and, previous to that, our Service Delivery Review helped us identify key adjustments that could be made to streamline our organization,” said Mayor Stewart Strathearn. “These adjustments, building off the changes we introduced last summer, will help us meet the challenges that come our way, while continuing to improve the services we offer residents.”
The new alignment will see Amanpreet Sidhu, currently Interim CAO, Director of Corporate Services and Town Solicitor, promoted to Executive Director of Corporate Services/Town Solicitor, with oversight of the Office of the Clerk; Finance; Corporate Communications; Culture and Tourism; IT Services; Legal and Risk Management; Customer Service; and By-law and Parking Enforcement.
“These next steps not only align the corporation with council’s strategic priorities, they also provide a structure that allows for improved succession planning and employee retention,” said Councillor Cher Cunningham, Chair of the Human Resources Committee. “With some key positions being recruited in 2020, implementing this reorganization now will allow us to be more successful in filling those roles and ensure we continue to move Midland forward.”