City of Wood Buffalo (Fort MacMurray) Jobs
Start a Career in Wood Buffalo (Fort MacMurray)
Fort MacMurray is a population center, technically classified as an Urban Service Area, in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Alberta, which is a very large area indeed. Covering 66,361 square kilometers, this is the second-largest municipality in Canada. Located near the Athabasca Oil Sands, the city is a critical processing and shipping point for our nation’s oil production industry. Fort McMurry had a population of 78,382 residents in 2015, as counted by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s municipal census that year. Additionally, the census also counted a shadow population of 4,342 non-permanent residents (out-of-province oil workers) for a combined population of 82,724. Oil prices were high in 2015 and so this is probably a high point for residency. The 2012 census reports that Fort McMurray had 22,386 dwelling units, of which 47.4% were single detached houses (10,604), 27.7% were apartments (6,206), 9.6% were manufactured homes (2,141), 9.2% were townhouses (2,070) and 6.1% were semi-detached houses (1,365). While other cities are busy maintaining their aging infrastructure, Fort McMurry is putting new systems in place. That makes the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo a rather exciting place to live and work.